Know Your Customer (KYC) services

In Banking and Capital Markets

EY Know Your Customer services support financial institutions seeking to transform onboarding, refresh, due diligence and screening functions. Part of our Financial Crime solution, KYC services are underpinned by our deep domain knowledge, leading FinCrime technology platform, technology alliances and regulatory experience. 

Your business challenge

Financial institutions that transform KYC processes can cut costs, elevate quality, enhance customer experience and help drive broader digital transformation initiatives. But balancing KYC obligations while minimizing the negative impact for customers is becoming more challenging due to several factors:  

  • The KYC regulatory environment is evolving fast.
  • Tedious, manual processes create cost and resource pressures.
  • The potential of data and digital to transform KYC compliance is hindered by data siloes and outmoded systems and methods.
  • Talent to manage KYC compliance is scarce, and expensive to recruit, train and retain.

KYC solution benefits

Our comprehensive KYC services help financial institutions achieve better compliance, and an improved customer experience, while minimizing costs. Our connected approach combines: 

 Deep KYC and industry knowledge that includes help with broader KYC strategy and tactical, focused advice. 

  Extensive regulatory and policy experience across multiple markets.

  Leading technology, software tools and data-powered intelligence built upon a global common platform.  

  Flexible talent models and robust managed services delivery processes. 

Solution features and functionality 

EY KYC consulting services are tailored to each client, focusing on delivering better outcomes that lift the burden of compliance so that financial institutions can operate with confidence. Our KYC services are delivered through our integrated global managed services network of financial crime analysts, resulting in greater connectivity and resilience. Services typically include:

Why EY KYC consulting

EY KYC services support financial institutions in achieving greater KYC compliance at competitive costs. You can trust our domain knowledge, regulatory credibility, global delivery model and leading technology to enhance operational excellence today and stay ahead of emerging risks. 

Contact us

Want a demo of our KYC solutions? Get in touch.
